Starting from the estimation of contribution of outstanding individuals - structural
engineers from the Republic of Macedonia, to accomplishment of MASE programme and
Statues targets, creative application of knowledge and technical - technological
achievements in the field of structural engineering, and through this, promotion and
strengthening of public position of structural engineering, as well as to past
development of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers i ne general, the General
Assembly of MASE assigns the title Meritorious Member of MASE.
The title Meritorious Member of MASE is assigned to structural engineers, citizens of
Republic of Macedonia only. The title Meritorious Member of MASE is assigned for the
first time on 25 Anniversary of MASE(1976-2001)
The Meritorious Members of MASE are:
Prof. d-r Aleksandar ANGELOV, professor
at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in
Skopje, first President of MASE
Prof. d-r Boris KOLJOZOV, professor at
the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in
M-r Cvetan TANEVSKI - CONI, former director of CC ILINDEN and Projekt manager of
FENI - Kavadarci, former President of MASE
M-r Zivko TALEVSKI, former Chief designer
in structural engineeringat MAKEDONIJAPROEKT - Skopje
Prof. m-r Dragan IVANOV, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje
Prof. d-r Sande ATANASOVSKI, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Sts.
Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, former President of MASE
Sashko STREZOVSKI, Struct.Eng., Direcror
of PELAGONIJAPROEKT - Skopje, former Secretary General of MASE
Prof. d-r Tihomir NIKOLOVSKI, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Sts.
Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, former President of MASE
Prof. Stanislav MILOVANOVIC, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Sts.
Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje
Prof. d-r Golubka NECEVSKA CVETANOVSKA, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and
Engineering Seismpology (IEEES), University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje
Blagoja DONCEV, general manager of ADING,
- Strasho MILKOVSKI, General manager of Granit Construction Stock Co., Skopje
- Tome TROMBEV, General manager of MONTING, Bitola, former President of MASE
Trajce TRPEVSKI, executive director of
construction company BETON-Skopje
Gjogji SELEV, civil engineer in
construction company BETON-Skopje, former Member of the Executive Board of MASE
Prof. Goran MARKOVSKI, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Ss. Cyril and
Methodius", Skopje, former President of MASE
Prof. Grozde ALEKSOVSKI, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Ss. Cyril and
Methodius", Skopje, former Vice-President of MASE
Ljupco KITANOVSKI, Construction company GRANIT-Skopje, former Member of the
Executive Committee of MASE
Prof. Veronika SENDOVA, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering
Seismology-IZIIS, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, former Member of
the Executive Board of MASE
Aleksandar BELEV, ADING, Skopje, former Member of the Executive Board of MASE
Prof. Petar CVETANOVSKI, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Ss. Cyril and
Methodius", Skopje, former vice President of MASE
Prof. Ilios VILOS, Technical Faculty, Bitola, former Member of the Executive and
Supervision boards of MASE
Siljan MIHAJLOVSKI, Civil Engineering Institute MACEDONIA, Skopje,former Member
of the Executive and Supervision of MASE
Prof. Meri CVETKOVSKA, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University "Ss. Cyril and
Methodius", Skopje, former President of MASE